My name is Lucile and I’m a  french girl living in Lyon. On this website you will find my artistic projects. If you want to know more about me, keep reading this page!

Pixel art and Tamagotchis

As a 90’s child, I owned a Tamagotchi (or the off brand version anyway…) and absolutely loved taking care of this small bunch of pixels. When I discovered that they still existed a few years ago, I ordered one immediately and fell back in love with the toy from my childhood. Thanks to other very inventive fans, some of those versions are customizable and I learned pixel art in order to create content for Tamagotchis, which I offer for free on this website.


I’ve been cosplaying since 2014 and it has been a true discovery for me ! I’ve always enjoyed creative activities : drawing, photography, make-up, writing, making costumes for parties… But strangely, I had never thought cosplay was for me until a friend cosplayed Rapunzel and made me reconsider. My inspiration comes from many different universes : Disney, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Comics, Video games, or even animes and mangas. I try to do everything myself because that’s what I like (yes even that basic black shirt!) and I also take most of my pictures myself or with the help of my boyfriend.


I started photography wayyyy before cosplay in 2004. Since I was my only subject, I did mostly self-portrait at the time and I loved how I could transform myself and become a different character, or show another side of my personnality (now you see why I like cosplay so much!). I enjoy creating “mise-en-scene” pictures  and I pay extra attention to details and colors. Editing is also a big part of my work and probably my favourite one!

And the rest?

I studied graphic design in art school for three years before going to business school (where I met my awesome geeky friends and my husband ♥). I am now a digital project manager and I work from my home in Lyon. Life is busy so I update this website from time to time when I can! Feel free to DM me on my Instagram if you want to contact me.

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